Dimension styles (DIMSTYLEs)






Dimension Style Name

Text height

Extension line offset

Extension line ext

Arrow size

Text/Dim.line offset



Dimension Styles are used for storing informations about dimension objects in CAD drawing. Each Dimension Style has its own name which is saved inside the project.


If you want to Set Current DimStyle, add a new DimStyle, modify or remove an existing DimStyle

Choose the menu option Format -> Dimension Style and the window like below will appear:


·         If you want to Set current Dimension style which will be used for new dimensions then click „Set Current“


·         If you want to add a new dimension style , a window like the one below will show up where you will enter the name of your new dimension style and choose the existing dimension style to copy it's values from. Standard dimensional styles are: Standard, Annotative, and ISO-25.

After entering the name of the new dimension style and clicking OK, a window like the one below will appear:

This window offers you to change settings of your new dimension style (settings previously copied from chosen existing dimension style). After you finish with modifications click on OK to save the modifications.


·         If you want to change an existing dimension style then click on the button Modify on the first picture and you will see a window like the one on the previous picture. Make modifications and press OK to save the modifications.


·         If you want to delete an existing dimension stylel click on the button Remove on the first picture to remove it.