Creating hatches



Command in command line





-          Entities within the Hatch









Many drawing applications use process named hatching to fill a space with some pattern. Pattern or color are used to differentiate project components or to visualize the material the object consists of.

Prior to creation of a new hatch, it is necessary to prepare all objects (polylines or other objects) so you could fill their closed ares with a pattern.

You can create a new hatch in your project on the following way:

A.     Click on the icon    in the Draw toolbar


B.     Choose the menu option    Draw -> Hatch


C.     Type command HATCH in the command line and press <Enter>

then choose all entities you want to cover with your hatch (click on one or more objects) and press <Enter>.

then press <Enter> and choose the pattern name for closed areas, among whom the SOLID pattern fully colors the area in color of the chosen Layer.

Hatch type is Predefined in this version, while programming of other types is in progress.

Angle is the rotation angle, while Scale is scaling (increasing/decreasing) the basic element of the chosen pattern.


>> Notice that the color of the area frame line and the color of filling the area do not have to be the same, they can even be in different layers and be shown or hidden if needed.

>> Notice that you can move the objects the hatch was created by, so the hatch and the objects do not have to stay in original position.

>> Also notice that during creation of a hatch in unclosed areas (polylines), BabaCAD closes the area by connecting end points and fills it with the chosen pattern.


The example of hatch with various pattenrs is given in the picture below.