Object copying is a process of several steps: selecting, copying to clipboard and pasting the copy into the project on the place you determine.


Therefore, after you select (mark) the object you want to copy as the first step,

Command in command line



You can copy the object to clipboard in your project, as the second step by doing the following:

A.     Click on the icon    in the File toolbar


B.     Choose the menu option    Edit -> Copy



C.     Type command COPY in the command line and press <Enter>

Command in command line


as the third step, you can paste the object from clipboard by doing the following:

A.     Click on the icon    in the File toolbar


B.     Choose the menu option    Edit -> Paste



C.     Type command PASTE in the command line and press <Enter>


Then click on the place where you want to paste (insert) the object from clipboard or enter coordinates of the insertion (paste) point.

If you manually enter coordinates of the insertion point, you must take care that the object will not be pasted if coordinates are not entered correctly in a format like (1.0,2.5).